How I'd grow Onsitefun

April 21, 2021

Onsitefun is a platform with team-building activities for distributed teams so they can remotely spend some fun moments together outside work.

It’s a marketplace of curated activities with instant booking that makes setting up events a piece of cake.

Landing on the website, it’s immediately clear what the product is and what the benefits are. 

But near the text, I’d show a product screenshot (an image is worth a thousand words).

Even better, I’d add a short explainer video.The key point is: who should the landing page really speak to?The key point is: who should the landing page really speak to?

The key point is: who should the landing page really speak to?

Because “make the team united“ is a benefit for teams, but the real buyer is the HR department.

This means that the website also needs to appeal to them.

I’m a fan of descriptive CTAs. Data proves me right; in my A/B tests, they always perform better than generic ones.

In the Onsitefun case, what happens if I click on “get started”? You don’t want to make visitors guess as it increases friction.

Making a marketplace take off is really hard - you usually need to grow both supply and demand at the same time.

But the supply here is curated. This makes it much easier. They just need to reach out to the right people and convince them to sign up.

Before focusing on demand, I’d work on maximizing LTV. Customer acquisition is hard and Onsitefun needs to maximize results from every customer.

They need to see the one-off first time booking as a bait, with the end goal to push the company to custom subscriptions.

In order to get there, they should:

- Center the subscription around a unique value proposition (for example, a big discount)

- Leverage email marketing to convert buyers into members (using automation and segmentation)

I’d leverage supply to generate demand. Partner with the most influential creators on Onsitefun and funnel their audience to the platform.

They could create an exclusive offer available only on Onsitefun, with no fees charged. This would motivate them to promote it.

This would allow Onsitefun to attract new companies without investing in customer acquisition; creators would do it for them.

Onsitefun wouldn’t make a profit on these, but if even a small percentage of these new customers convert into subscribers, it’d be a good deal.

I'd give paid search ads a try. Seeing ads for their commercial keywords is a good sign; there’s money to be made in this niche.

High CPC shouldn’t discourage them. They can afford initial losses if it means converting these customers into members later.

Next move: getting search traffic by ranking for these KWs organically.

They did something smart: programmatic SEO (publishing landing pages on a large scale using filters as modifiers).

But there are a few details to fix.

Onsitefun needs to work on increasing their domain authority if they want to rank.

Since remote work is trending in the media, I’d sign up for Haro (Help a Reporter Out).

Plenty of journalists are looking for quotes on that topic, and they could get some powerful links.

Their presence on social is new so it’ll take a while to get results. They need to supplement it with performance marketing.

Among all the platforms, their audience definitely lives on LinkedIn. I’d start testing ads there.

Pro tip: LinkedIn ads are perfect for B2B; you can show them to people with specific job titles. However, that’s usually super pricey.

Workaround: pair LinkedIn ads with FB retargeting. Use LinkedIn to get the first click-throughs, and then retarget them with FB ads.

They’ll need to kickstart things using cold outreach in the beginning.

But I wouldn’t use LinkedIn or email for that. Those channels are oversaturated.

I’d recommend using Twitter instead, and trying to build a long term relationship with their audience.

Learn marketing from case studies

Every month I pick a new website and write a marketing case study explaining exactly how I’d grow it