Logology sells logos. At least, that’s what you can presume from the homepage.
Is it a logo maker like the header says? Do they sell pre-made logos like the sub-header suggests? Wait, there’s a questionnaire so perhaps it’s a logo design service?

I’m still trying to understand what the product is (conversion killer no.1) and the CTA asks me to take a 5-15 minute survey (conversion killer no.2).
This is a lethal combination; it adds too much friction and makes visitors bounce because you haven’t given them value yet.

To counter the conversion killer 1: write better copy.
“We’ve designed a catalog of amazing logos. When you take a brand identity questionnaire, we match you with the best ones. We then tailor them to your startup.”

To counter the conversion killer 2: create a better flow.
Let the visitors browse all the pre-made logos and when they find the one they like ask them to take the questionnaire to customize it to their needs.

Aesthetically, their site is amazing. The design immediately makes me think their logos are going to be that good, too.
You can feel there’s a lot of potential. But they need to fix their positioning before driving more traffic or they’ll have a leaky bucket.

Especially considering that they are in a niche with heavy competition. How could they differentiate?
I’d consider enhancing their USP with a fixed pricing model to make them really stand out. Something like “Get a designer quality logo for [price].”

Logology needs a brand to stay on top of mind of potential customers before they actually need a logo.
If they only try to capture buyers when they’re looking for logos, they’ll become a commodity and things will be really hard.

Also, most people don’t buy a logo right after visiting a website.
The founder proves it by describing the typical Logology customer journey.
They get visits, and then nothing. After a month, they get direct and branded searches that convert.

Logos are bought by founders who tend to hang out online. When you get a new logo, you want to show it.
Logology should look for ways to incentivize this behavior. E.g. give every buyer a discount code they can share with their friends.

To get initial exposure, they could launch a side project to attract attention.
Something useful for their target market that has the potential to spread organically… Random idea: a collection of all the first logos of successful startups?

These buzz-generating projects tend to work well with SEO; they naturally attract links from high domain authority sites.
Logology really needs this. Their current DA of 14 doesn’t give them a chance to rank (not even for long-tail keywords).

Then, they need to pair links with content. They have a series - “Logo Makeover” - where they analyze existing startup logos and propose improvements.
This is great, but can’t attract search traffic. They need to add a different type of content to the mix.

Pro tip: get traffic by targeting keywords that keyword tools show as zero volume.
When you get a piece of content ranked, look at the Search Console. If it’s picking up traffic for unexpected terms, add a full H2 section to target that term.

Social media is where I see a big opportunity to step up their game. They need to do powerful storytelling instead of posting pretty but anonymous logos.
E.g. creating short entertaining videos of them drawing logos and showcasing the uniqueness of their creative process.

Social is also a useful testing ground to see what resonates with their audience. If it performs well, they can use it for paid ads.
Reusing a post that did well organically for paid ads is a proven cost-effective way to leverage advertising to acquire new customers.