Evapolar (URL) is a portable air cooler that lowers the temperature around you, helping you overcome the discomfort of heat during those hot summer days.
Despite its really small and compact form factor, it is claimed to be very effective and able to lower the temperature by a good number of degrees.

They positioned it as a personal cooling device, something that you can bring around in a variety of situations and environments.
To support this, they need to evidence the key features that make it unique.
It's light and portable, has low energy consumption, and cools only you without disturbing others.

But the messaging on their hero section, which is the first thing new visitors see, feels off.
Instead of the personal device benefits, they are focusing on evidencing "natural" and "evaporative" due to the fact that it uses water and not freon.
But I think that for a potential customer that might be secondary compared to all the rest.

It's worth considering that there are different specific use cases for Evapolar.
So while the homepage can act as a generic catch-all, they should have specific landing pages for each one of them to speak exactly to their audience.
For example, analyzing what people say around the web, it's clear where Evapolar could be helpful: hikers who spend time outdoors in tents under the sun, office workers whose colleagues don't want AC turned on, etc.

Personally, I've seen a few products similar to Evapolar before, and they didn't really work well. So I'd expect the landing page to do more to build trust.
First, I'd explain the exclusive tech behind how it works directly on the landing page to back up the promised benefit they claim.
Then, I'd message a few customers to offer them some free cartridges in exchange for video testimonials to use on the site.

Evapolar is lucky because it has an obvious way to increase their LTV since there is a component of it that needs to be replaced periodically.
They should definitely add an option to their checkout process to upsell a subscription for cartridges at a favorable price.
Instead of relying on users to remember every 3-6 months to change their cartridge, they will be automatically shipped to their door.

If they don't start their subscription at checkout, that's where email marketing will prove helpful.
Having their contact will be a chance to remind them about this option every now and then, and maybe make them a special offer about it.
Evapolar has an email list, but unfortunately, it also has one of the worst signup forms I've ever seen.

The different landings for different use cases I mentioned before would also be useful for getting some qualified search traffic.
Not having them is making them miss an opportunity to capture visitors actively searching for a product like Evapolar.
For example, a keyword like "portable air conditioner for office desk" is really worth prioritizing ranking for.

These same commercial keywords have a set of more informative questions people ask about them that are worth targeting with blog posts.
Although these are a bit higher up in the funnel - people haven't made a decision to buy yet - they could definitely bring in visitors interested in learning more about what Evapolar has to offer.

What I noticed analyzing the SERPs is that some of these keywords have videos ranking in the top spots.
This means that Google recognizes that the intent is better satisfied by video rather than text.
So, for Evapolar to get a better chance of earning the top 3 spots, it would be a good idea to add a video version of their post to the page too.

I like what they're doing to supplement search with ads to capture even more existing demand.
Something I don't see often is that they're going after questions related to their own product.
A good example is when I got an ad when I searched for "does Evapolar have a battery?”
They don't leave the answer to this key question to some strangers on Reddit or Quora.

I think Evapolar could do really well on social media with the right content at the right time.
This is a product where demand (and sales as a consequence) spikes for a few weeks/months before going flat, so they need to spend most of the time preparing content in advance for that period.
During that time, they'll have to be ready to be 10-20x more active than usual.

For those hot days, they need to have a huge, coordinated influencer push ready to go.
I wouldn't select big, popular accounts. I'd go with niche micro-influencers based on the use cases they built landing pages about and collaborate with them. They're doing this, but I'd go full steam on it.
Imagine tons of hikers posting how they're staying cool in their tent adventure with Evapolar.

During that period, I would also aggressively run prospecting and retargeting campaigns.
They need to have already tested multiple creatives months before so they already know which ones are the winners with the lowest CPAs.
At that point, they can just push more budget behind them to scale.

Evapolar needs to test way more creatives with different angles, copy, and formats.
To find inspiration, not many people know that on TikTok, you can not only browse competitors' campaigns like you do on Facebook, but you can also see which ones are the top-performing ones.
You can spy on metrics like their engagement, what kind of CTR they got, and even a link to the landing page they used for the campaign.